Why Trump has killed conservatism.
Short Story:
The Ku Klux Klan endorsed Donald Trump. that really should be enough but, if you want to know more, read on.
This week hundreds of millions of Americans will cast a vote for billionaire Donald Trump. As the official candidate of the Republican party Mr Trump now represents the ideals of that party. A party that once stood for fiscal conservatism and small government is now little more than a socially restrictive, zealot-rich party that has dragged American politics to an all-time low.
Thirty years ago the party made a fateful decision to abandon the middle ground of society and stoke up the deep-rooted, base-less fears of the social conservative. Abortion and immigration replaced economic theory. Over the years, specifically, the past eight, the Republican party has ensured that the Congress does nothing in order to block any progress by the Obama administration. I believe that is both a great abuse of the American political system as well as a fraud to every voter who elected them.
Now we have an electoral contest that is devoid of policy and only filled with attacks.
To be clear the only real policies that Trump voters will be voting for is :
*To build a ??? billion dollar Mexican-funded border wall,
*Ban Muslims from entering the country,
*Lowering taxes on the rich and;
*Deals, the best deals.
Outside of that we don't have much more information other than his unhinged attacks on Hillary(Bill/Barack) and how awful the last 25 years of American life have been except for his reality television show.
He appeals to the exact opposite force of Barack Obama and in doing that he's done a brilliant job of becoming the anti-Obama. His supporters often say that, "he's saying what they're thinking" and that should scare you the most.
I understand where they are coming from, I used that very example for Obama in 2008. His speeches about equality, aspiration and the race spoke to my core and showed me that there was a possibility of a bright future for the country. I did not think he would change the world but I thought that he would try to make it better. I did not think he would lead America into unnecessary wars or unduly antagonise people because it would be funny and I certainly, was not concerned that he would be in charge of the nuclear launch codes.
Compare that with the chants of, "Lock her up" and, "Grab her by the pussy". Trump supporters are sick of the "weak", "un-great America" that hasn't gone to war with Iran or China. Don't worry about Russia though.
In none of his rants do the ideals of the party of Reagan ring true. Reagan and George H.W. Bush both campaigned FOR rights for illegal immigrants and a better relationship with MEXICO. Bush withdrew his support from the NRA because of the direction the group was going.
Today, the Republican party is staring at the monster that it created. Should Trump win there is NO WAY the he can carry out his plans as he sees them. America is not you're private business, you've got to compromise create good policy, fix bad ones and truly keep America great.
Trump has never explained, in public, how he plans to force Mexico to pay for a border wall. (I've actually read the plan on his website and...it is terrifying, basically its extortion.)
Trump has also never explained how he will segregate foreign Islamo-Muslimists terrorists at America's border. Without clear, very clear, guidelines, this will come down the opinion of a person at the border on the day. That's no way to run immigration policy.
I imagine this is how conservatives felt when Obama won. The only difference is that Obama will leave the country in a better condition than when came into office and I'll be concerned for America from day one. No matter if Trump wins or loses.
If he wins the dollar is going to tank, the markets will take a huge hit and there may be an increase in racially-based attacks. It happened in the England after Brexit and, as Donald has equated his election to a US Brexit, I can only draw those parallels. Also, attacks have already begun.
If he loses, I genuinely fear violence on the day. Don't forget, he's said that the "system" is rigged against him(when he's losing) and he may not accept the result of the vote. Imagine if Al Gore had said that in 2000 or John Kerry in 2004?
This is a person who has dragged our democracy to its lowest point and smiled while doing it. He has no redeemable qualities because money don't count for anything if you have no class(see Pharma Bro)
And we have no verifiable proof that he has either.
Observer of politics, culture and the world we create