Christopher Silverstein

Scottish Election 2016 Roundup

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The Scottish electorate has, once again, elected the SNP to be the largest party in Holyrood and the party of Government. For another five years the direction of Scotland's future will be determined by a party that was, not to long ago, treated as a sideshow.

While falling two seats short of ANOTHER majority . . .

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May 06, 2016

Remember Aiden Burley?

Apparently, Labour don't

Remember that Tory MP that organised an entire Nazi themed stag do and DIDN'T get kicked out of the Conservative Party?

Apparently Labour forgot about it or they would have had his name in every press release in their, horrible, no good, very bad day.

Aiden Burley (pictured on the far-right above #irony) was the . . .

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May 04, 2016

Question Time 14 April

How easy would it be to get into France after Brexit?

So I have just finished watching Question Time it is very rare for me to sit through an entire episode of the hour long version of PMQs (with less research) but, I actually enjoyed the discourse.

It proved something that I've been seeing more and more of; the political, social and business elites of the UK have NO CLUE about . . .

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April 15, 2016


Finally! Someone is talking about Donald Trump

Have you heard about this guy named Donald Trump? He's a wealthy real estate mogul in the United States and he's running for President.

Of the country.

The whole thing and...he's got a plan to win.

You see Mr Trump isn't just a real estate mogul, he's a reality television star and that's . . .

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April 06, 2016

Why voters in the UK should be paying attention to the “Short Money” debate in the House of Commons

It's not just about money....

Members of the House of Commons are embroiled in a number of discussions however; one that may miss a lot of attention is the discussion around the funding of opposition political parties known as “Short Money”. This money, named after former Leader of the House Edward Short MP, is the funding given to opposition parties by the state. This . . .

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March 19, 2016

The Beginning

Aller Anfang ist schwer

After many years of working in Westminster, I have decided to dip my toe into the world of blogging. I've been here for nearly seven years and during that time I've seen three different UK Governments, two Scottish Governments #bothvotesSNP and one American President.

I don't think anyone works in Parliament without . . .

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February 17, 2016

Should President Obama Appoint a Supreme Court Justice?

Yes, don't be ridiculous!

Should the President appoint a Supreme Court justice in his last term?

The answer is simple. Of course, he should. Don’t be ridiculous. US Social Conservatives (SCs) are demanding that President Obama not appoint anyone to the Supreme Court because he is in the last year of his term of office.

Their argument may actually be . . .

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February 17, 2016


Cover image credit: http://Christopher Mullins-Silverstein

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