Christopher Silverstein

I guess I'm a racist now...

aka The Games Social Conservatives Play

Engage, Entrap and Have Others Destroy

Yesterday I was accused of stoking racist sentiment by some guy on Twitter who goes by the handle joelcomm. He said “Relax. Breathe. Everything is going to be alright.” To which I replied, “only if you’re rich, white and voted for Trump.” He then replied, “That’s a racist statement if I ever . . .

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November 10, 2016

And that's it....

Mr Trump has struck blow against the establishment.

The billionaire (maybe) convinced the over-looked Americans to win the Presidency. This person who has threatened Mexico, the Federal Reserve Chairwoman and his political opponents will become the President of the United States, Commander-in-Chief of the world’s most powerful armed . . .

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November 09, 2016

Why Trump has killed conservatism.

Short Story:

The Ku Klux Klan endorsed Donald Trump. that really should be enough but, if you want to know more, read on.


This week hundreds of millions of Americans will cast a vote for billionaire Donald Trump. As the official candidate of the Republican party Mr Trump now represents the . . .

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November 07, 2016

Comey's Dagger

Why Comey's announcement has all the trappings of a political hit

High Level + High Visibility + Low Information = Political Hit

On Friday 28 October, the director of the FBI, James Comey announced that he was re-opening an investigation in to emails associated with Hillary Clinton.

The headlines burned across social media and news outlets. The question was renewed. What had she done now? . . .

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November 02, 2016

The Question That No One Is Asking

Last Friday the British Pound dropped to $1.1378 to the Dollar. The drop in the currency sent shock waves throughout the world. Despite the slight recovery on the day, the Pound did not recover from the initial hit. Today the Pound is trading at $1.24 to the Dollar

Throughout the day commentators were trying to explain why the Pound . . .

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October 10, 2016

Show Me Your Papers!

Today, at the height of the Tory conference, one headline rules the papers.

Firms Must List Foreign Workers

Where do you even start with this?

The Government, via the Home Secretary, has proposed that every business in the UK must list the amount of foreign workers that work for them. The idea is that, every . . .

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October 05, 2016

The Great Repeal Act


If Teresa May just fired the starting gun to Brexit, what the hell was the referendum about?

Here’s a bit of wonk-ness.

Announcing that you will repeal legislation is not the starting gambit on the way to leaving the EU. In fact, it raises more questions. For example, the European Communities Act 1972(ECA72) repealed the . . .

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October 04, 2016


Cover image credit: http://Christopher Mullins-Silverstein

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