Christopher Silverstein
Help * to Buy
I wouldn't say that I'm a massively naive person but, I was shocked today at the state of housing in London.
I've never been a fan of housing in London. Coming from the States I've always thought that decent housing was a right. I know no system is perfect but the state of housing in London is appalling.
I . . .
May's Dagger
Short Read:
The UK Government has already stated in October 2016 it will not negotiate any special deals for Scotland therefore, it cannot guarantee that a good deal for the UK is, by default, a good deal for Scotland. It is possible to know what the deal will look like before the end of Article 50 negotiations so Scotland needs to . . .
Hasn't happened yet....
So here we are. At the inevitable crossroads of Scotland remaining with the UK or, leaving and being an independent state within the single market of the European Union.
It has been a little over 24 hours since Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland, "surprised" the UK Government with an intention to seek an section . . .
Week Four
As we enter Trump’s first month there are more questions than answers. His National Security Adviser, Michael Flynn had to resign because he may have broken the Logan Act when he communicated to the Russian ambassador Mr Trump’s intentions before he became President.
His “counsellor” Kellyanne Conway has had to defend herself from . . .
Trump’s second week
He’s doing a great job…
Of keeping his electorate happy.
In the first two weeks Trump has done exactly what he promised. The wall has received Presidential approval and he’s begun the Muslim ban. (I know he doesn’t call it that but, he also doesn’t call himself orange.)
Note: Section 4(e) of Trump's ban . . .
Thanks Obama.
Eight years ago I watched Barack Obama take the Oath of Office.
(He actually messed it up and had to re-do it later.)
I thought it was a shaky start to a person who would have, more than any President before, his every action watched and scrutinised because, he was the first black President in American history.
It . . .
So...what happened 2016?
So what happened?
It started off fine. Obama was still the President and in all likelihood Hillary Clinton would be the next President of the United States. In the UK, there was to be a referendum on their membership of the European Union but, there was very little chance that the people would vote to leave. Sure, there were some . . .
Cover image credit: http://Christopher Mullins-Silverstein